

by 梅勒妮·诺兰23岁

Recently, I learned that Lucy Skidmore Scribner, the founder of 火博体育大学, 保持 一个记事簿 where she would write about her activities and the people she met. 这真的是 neat to read about the days in her life a century ago. 这让我思考:什么 会出现在我的记事本里吗?



我早上7:03起床.m. for work at my on-campus job at the Office of Communications 和市场营销.


I swipe into the Murray-Aikins Dining Hall for a quick “M&一份套餐”(松饼和苹果). 这是 my favorite breakfast to grab on the go, and since Skidmore’s meal plan for first-year students is unlimited, I can get a quick bite without worrying about swipes. 今天, 他们有摩卡松饼.

After work, I head back to “D-Hall” to meet my friends for lunch. 我做了很多 of new friends at Skidmore, most of whom I met through my 迎新前露营之旅叫" SCOOP ".” 我们在阿迪朗达克山脉徒步旅行,做瑜伽. 来到校园真是太棒了 and already having a group of friends before classes even started.

I grab some ramen from the noodle bar and work on an essay about ritual for my Ancient 中国哲学课.


后来,我有了我的第一年 斯克里布纳尔出版社研讨会, 性别政治. 虽然严格来说这门课是下午三点开始.m.,大家都来了 赶上进度真是太早了. We have an older student who serves as a peer adviser. 她 今天给我们做了巧克力蛋糕. 今天天气特别好.


我早上八点半起床.m. 然后去游泳池. 我不是游泳队的,但我 在这里上游泳课锻炼身体.



There are a lot of fitness opportunities at Skidmore, both inside and outside of class. With yoga, fitness dance classes and even a daily meditation, there’s always something 为了在校园里活跃起来.

At lunch, we munch on tacos from the Global Cafe in D-Hall. 我们来自德克萨斯的朋友 给他们一个认可的印记.

周二s are one of my busiest days of the week, and the biggest part is my Berlin 课堂上我们会讨论阅读作业 我们要在校园展示的模型墙. The professor is from Germany, and it’s great to hear her perspective on not only the Berlin Wall, but also other walls around the world.

That evening, I brainstorm Halloween costumes with my friends over some family-style 在斯克里布纳研讨会前吃意大利面. 这是这门课的第四个学分,所以 只有我们和我们的同伴导师. 这些课不像主课那么正式 designed as a kind of check-in to see how everyone is doing. 我总觉得 一个小俱乐部.

After my seminar, I stop back at my dorm and grab some supplies that I need for a 学生会会议. I’m a senator for Wait Hall (people represent different 宿舍和其他地方). I love it because we get to partner with College leaders 让火博体育变得更好. 我们很重视火博体育,这很好 知道你的声音能被听到.


是时候建造一座(模拟的)柏林墙了! 我可以用一把漂亮的电钻. 我从来没有 以前用过这样的工具. 创造性思维很重要,没错?



Later in the day I FaceTime with my family and call some friends from home. 我做一个 戴上口罩,早睡. 这是 raining pretty hard outside, but my roommate from Los Angeles wants us to keep the window open because she likes the sound of the rain.

I was nervous at first about living with two other roommates, one from Manhattan and 一份来自洛杉矶,但结果很好. 我们都很亲密,最近 我们在墙上挂了仙女灯. 有了精灵灯,一切都变得更梦幻了.


我早起洗衣服. I highly recommend this because it gives you an excuse to be up, and since you’re already awake, you might as well get some things done.

I get ready for swimming and work on that Chinese Philosophy paper I’ve been tinkering 整个星期.


That evening, I have dinner with friends and help one find an outfit for a date she’s 发生了. Before I head to the library, I make her promise to update me afterward. I work on my essay, call my friends and clean my room.


I head to work and drink my beloved chai latte from our campus spot for Starbucks, 伯吉斯咖啡馆. At work, I help hang posters for an upcoming series of lectures and film screenings highlighting religion and diversity. 我与胶带作斗争 有一段时间. Posters are part of life here — they feel “so college.”

I go to my Introduction to Nonfiction class and then hang out with one of my roommates. 她’s an artist and I convince her to draw me, but with tentacles. 我们去做瑜伽 威尔逊教堂.


这是 a 星期五, after all, so we decide to go out in Saratoga. 市中心有一家俱乐部 that has an 18+ night, and it’s always fun to dance for a little while. 我们一起吃晚餐 at Wasabi, an all-you-can-eat sushi place downtown and head out. 我爱萨拉托加,因为 在所有要做的事情中. From events in Congress Park to endless shopping downtown, 从来没有沉闷的时刻. 这是 a great outlet for getting off campus for a little 治疗.



Sleeping in, laundry and a hike around North Woods with my friend.


然后,我步行到市中心 Uncommon Grounds咖啡店 作为我完成作业的奖励. 我在Instagram上拍了一张照片 朋友,因为灯光很好.

We decide to stay in tonight and watch the new rom-com “Tall Girl” on Netflix. 这是 cute, funny and full of clichés, which, in my opinion, is the best combination for 一个浪漫喜剧.


I wake up and do some yoga with some friends before walking to the nearby Triangle 吃早午餐.


周日s are a big homework day, so campus is pretty sleepy, but the library is bustling. I meet up with a student from my seminar, and we watch political ads as research for 我们正在写的一篇论文.

I fully clean my room and check my email one last time before going to sleep. 感觉 good to submit all my papers and go to bed tired 周日 night, only to wake up energized 星期一早上再来一遍!



梅勒妮诺兰 is a 英语 major at Skidmore from the suburbs of Philadelphia. 她 likes to read novels and poems, analyze pop culture and hopes to major in 英语. Someday, she wants to hike every trail in Skidmore’s North Woods.